With its favorable climate, long growing seasons for pasture, many experienced alpaca breeders ready to help, and central location, Kentucky is an ideal place for business, networking, and community! If you raise alpacas for any purpose, including fleece products, agritourism, fleece or halter shows, or pets, we are here to help!
Alpacas are relatively easy livestock to raise and they are hardy animals.You will find all the support and resources you need to be successful, from your fellow Kentucky Alpaca Association member farms, KAA events and education, local alpaca veterinarians, and many other supportive alpaca groups. We can help you with:
How do I care for alpacas?
Contact us for Shearers that Service KY, OH, IN
If you miss the scheduling window or acquire alpacas in the summer, try posting on this Facebook page.
Veterinary Emergency? Click this link for a vet contact that will take phone calls without a vet referral. This information is provided courtesy of the Alpaca Owners Association.
What you need to know about Heat Stress
What to do with Alpaca Fiber?
Please JOIN us so we can continue to support alpacas and alpaca owners across the state.
We focus on Promoting our Member's Alpacas, Farms and Products through our Events and Social Media
Increasing Public Awareness of Alpacas and Alpaca Fiber
Member Education
4H Programs
Linking You with State and National Resources including Education and Grants
ATTENTION CURRENT KAA MEMBERS: To be listed on our Farm Page, you will need create a FREE Openherd account. Contact Support at for assistance. Let us know when your page been created at [email protected], so we can add your account to our Kentucky Member Listing Farm page.
New to alpacas? Search for a farm near you to visit today!
Already a KY alpaca farmer? Join KAA today and get all of the benefits of membership!
Looking for Alpaca products? Search for a farm near you!